Title Insurance
“The insurance that protects both the lender and the homeowner (borrower) against loss resulting from any defects in the title or claims against a property that were not uncovered in the title search, and that are not specifically listed as exemptions to the coverage on the title insurance policy.”
Source: http://www.lawyerintl.com/law-dictionary/law-dictionary.php
Let’s face it, many issues can come up that you may not even be aware of when buying a home. While buying a home you may have to face a lot of issues which you might not have been aware of before.
Title insurance protects you from the following issues that could arise:
• Fraud – fraudulently obtained mortgages on your home
• Errors in surveys or other official public records
• Encroachment onto neighbouring properties
• Zoning infractions
• Other unforeseen issues that could affect your ability to sell your property in the future
How We Can Help
Title insurance is a one-time fee. YLPC's title insurance lawyers work with First Canadian Title (http://www.firstcanadiantitle.com) to protect one of the most important investments you may make.
For further legal assistance contact our group of experienced estate lawyers, litigation lawyers, debt collection lawyers, bankruptcy lawyers, wills and trust lawyers.
Click below for more background information on title insurance: